bleeding... serious anwsers only please!?

i was having intercourse with my fiance and i began bleeding and havent stopped since? what could it be and should i be concerned?


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Sometimes having sex can cause your period to come on. Not make you have your period but increase the blood flow, because your uterus is contracting more during sex and the penis is opening your vagina up, so the bleeding may be heavier. You probably are just having your period, and didn't realize it, but while you were having sex the blood started flowing harder. Unless you were having violent sex, and something tore, in that case you should see a doctor.


I'm guessing you know what is a normal period for you. It sounds an awful lot like used to happen to me. Extremely heavy bleeding, more like hemorrhaging. You absolutely need to call your doctor, but for right now, lay on your back with your feet up. If the bleeding doesn't stop, go to the hospital.

This was happening to me a lot. It turns out I had a huge fibroid tumor. It was so large it took up the entire space of my uterus. It kept getting missed because the radiologists kept mis-reading the ultrasound. I was no anemic from the bleeding I was having difficulty breathing because I didn't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen through my body. Don't wait for medical treatment. If the first doctor can't diagnose you, go to another, then another, and be your own best medical advocate.


If is around the time of your period that could be it. There could be so many reasons why and the only way to find out is to go to a doctor. If you are really concerned right now, then go to the nearest emergency room. It may be nothing to worry about, but until the bleeding stops or you find out why you are bleeding you are not going to have peace of mind.


??? Haven't stopped since when? An hour, a day, a week? Could have been the coincidental start of your menstrual period or if there was pain, it could be the remains of a torn hymen. I had been sexually active for about a year or so before marriage, but the first couple of months after marriage with my amorous new husband, I was bleeding after intercourse. It was the remains of my tough hymen. Or it could be something totally different. See your doctor...or atleast call them for advice.


Depends on how old you are....I assume you know what periods are if you are having sex. If this was your first, your hymen may be bleeding long after it should have stopped. Do you take many asperin a day?

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