When Jenna Bush was found misbehaving it lit up the Q&A boards but now??

Why is it that she has written a book on a 17 yr old girl with Aids & teaches school & went to an African Aids Hospital where she "lit up the children & the place" all is quiet?
No one would be so unfair as to judge a young girl on her father's politics, so what is going on.
All the reporters were completely impressed with her but not the intelligent & fair minded Q&A participates. Did we miss the news reports or ignore them??????


Her book is not coming out for a few months & the press said she was genuine with the children not looking for press. In fact, 1 reporter said that was the 1st time he had heard her speak maybe she only speaks to important people like children or Aids patients not every reporter she can see.
Does everyone have that Harvard & Stanford degrees like her Dad? And you can not buy them - money helps you into some schools but not out of - it would weaken the University. Besides, this is about Jenna & why we heard every good thing Cheslea ever did but not Jenna.


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I don't think it's just Yahoo Q&A. People just generally love to hear about bad behavior and scandals.

Who are the enormously famous celebrities that we hear about every two seconds? Britney, Lindsay, Paris..etc. All famous for being drunk, out of control, on drugs, getting in fights at nightclubs, whatever, where there are a million other people (actresses included) who are doing good works that get completely ignored.


She is in good company. Liberal people do this sort of thing all the time but then are made fun of for their own rich lifestyles while they work to help the poor and the ill. Good for Jenna Bush, I'm glad she's found a purpose, truly. But if she is worthy of receiving kudos, so is everyone else who has been doing the same for years and years.


Both of the twins have been doing great work in their jobs and are out there where they are not making a lot money but doing a lot to serve the poor of the world. Its to good a story for the press to cover that republicans do great deeds and they would rather have them partying like Lindsay Lohan so they could use the story against their father.

World Peace Now2007-07-03T09:54:32Z

Why are you looking for praise for jenna bush when Bono has been doing this for years, and he is just a bleading heart liberal? I'd guess she is promoting her book you spoke of. Good for her if she turned her life around, but praise?


are you sure she wrote a book?
well if she did, then she can read.
maybe she should give her father a hand with "My Pet Goat", as he still reading it from 9/11.

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