if two people get married and both on disability how much will there checks go down?

we are getting married and both recieve a disability check how will it effect it


Favorite Answer

If you are getting disability from SS,marriage shouldn't affect your checks at all. If you are getting SSI which is based on income,there is a chance that both checks would be affected. Don't know by how much,they will combine your incomes and figure it out from there.

Calico L2007-07-09T17:23:49Z

ask social security office they will be able to tell you. My sister got married and she was the only one on disability and her husband didn't work and they cut hers down to 300 some dollars. My friend got married to a man on Social Security and she drew Disability and they cut her check out all together. But keep in mind that the disability office may say it wont be affected at all and then after you are married then they will take away.


Not sure how much it will go down but I have two friends that can't afford to get married because both checks will go down. Ask disability people.


under the age of retirement , I don't' think it will have any effect. If you want an absolutely correct answer you can call your local Social Security Office and they will tell you to the penny. Good Luck to both of you

Noe F2007-07-11T19:58:10Z

It is best to make an apppointment with your SS person and ask him/her to give you some possible scenarios of the affects of the disability checks. good luck...

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