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check your gas cap, it may be loose and the cause for it coming on. if it is tight there is a fuse box under the hood. there is a ecu/ign fuse under the hood. there are 2 that are marked with ecu or ign pull the fuse and keep it out for 10 seconds. it wil not hurt anyhting to pull them both out so dont think your gonna break something. put them back in and start the car, if the light goes out your good. if it stays on there may be another problem with the car which would need to be diagnosed.
Disconnecting the battery is PRE-1996 (pre odb2) trick. On post 1996 engine it doesn't work. Off by about 11 years. If you go to autozone they will scan the code for you. While you are doing that ask them to "reset" the ecu. It will turn off the check engine light. But don't tell them you need the light off for the test (they are doing the service so you can buy stuff). ==== You write that there's nothing wrong with your car. WRONG. Those lights come on for a reason. It may be O2 sensor (that mostly effects pollution and fuel mileage) but the reason is there. The sooner you fix the problem, the sooner you most likely start saving money (on fuel). Good Luck === Don't forget to vote for the BEST ANSWER - please - whoever it may be. FACT: You also get +3 points when you vote for BEST ANSWER
I have heard ads on the radio that aamco will run a free diag check for check engine lights. This will usually reset the light, unless its something real serious.
Art The Wise
You can't turn it off. The car's computer is actually telling you to have the car serviced for needed repairs or a simple oil change. Have it checked before you end up with a stalled car or something.
well if you have fixed the problem you can disconnect the negative battery cable for a minute or so and that will clear the codes that triggered the light in the first place,but if you dont correct the problem then the light will come back on