Do you think we should be able to comment on other people answers?

So many people say funny things I'd like to comment on, I think that should be an option---maybe a turn on/off option you decide in your profile "Would you like others to be able to comment on your answers: O yes O no "

What other things could be added/removed?


Favorite Answer

I would love to:
1- be able to edit my question and its details. Some times you type a silly mistake that spoils everything.
2-Have more of the activity details shown in the personal page.
3- Show and see a bigger picture or avatar.
4- have a Check Spelling option on the rest of the field to be filled. You have it only in the space where you write your answer.
I don't have anything against changing or keeping the green colour but I would go totally against removing the thumbs.


I remembered something else. I would love to see more than 5 answers of mine on my personal page. Why do I have to click on NEXT to see more of 'em?

Here are two more things I wanna see changing on Yahoo! Answers:

-To be able to click on NEXT PAGE of the question's page without having to go to the bottom of it. Sometimes there are so many answers on one page that can be very long, so it takes you a while to reach the bottom of the page just to click on the next one.

-Having your answer highlighted to find it easier in case you wish to make any changes to it without having to look for it once again, among many other answers.

Oh, oh, oh and here's another thought: More options in the looks of your avatar including avatars of different ages.

Check my question to earn 2 of the 5 points you lost asking this question :D;_ylt=AkqiypHTNWbvjKz4WrSvwDXg5gt.?qid=20070710065759AAM6azt


Well... I do and I don't. Just a moment ago somebody answered a question about dog breeds they like, with a "I don't like dogs". I wanted to answer "THEN DON'T ANSWER THE QUESTION!" But I can also see how someone could abuse the option. I guess someone at yahoo could just monitor it and then it would work. Maybe you should start your own "anwer" type deal like the my space guy started. I have noticed the following in the P&S section. Great Idea if you can make it work.

The one with a tail...2007-07-10T07:06:17Z

People who comment/e-mail should obviously be obliged to reciprocate the option (with a day's wait to change the option)


No, I suppose yahoo solutions is just too big group and if it allowed feedback to be published on solutions, then unique solutions would get extra concentration than the genuine query which isn't well for the man or woman who had requested the query.


Oooh that's good. I like that! I love smart people. I also think that if you and the community decide to oust someone, they should have to pack their things and go. The End.

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