I need suggestions of sites to see halfway between Missouri and Florida.?

We are looking for a 'half-way' spot to relax for the evening as well as see some landsites or entertainment while traveling with 3 kids ages 9-14.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Favorite Answer

i don't know your route, but if you're heading south first, the hot springs of arkansas are supposed to be an invigorating place to visit. it's a natural park famous for its' namesake, the hot mineral springs that froth up from the earth. take a hike, a guided tour, or a BATH! (that's not so far from your home, so maybe you wouldn't need one yet. perhaps on the way back?)

if east is your first choice, then perhaps stone mountain, georgia might be a good place to stop. it's not just natural beauty, but also rides and attractions for the kids (and you too.) not too far off the designated route, and very scenic by all accounts. plus, you run a good chance of tiring the kids out and earning some peace and quiet for awhile!

i lived in columbia, south carolina for a time when i was younger. they have an excellent zoo, historical homes and beautiful gardens, and good shopping. lake murray is a water paradise. you used to be able to drive right through fort jackson (army), but with the state of current affairs, i'm not so sure that's the case any more. okay, just checked and they have a water park at ft. jackson. who knew?

i'm glad you folks have finally found the time to get away. you deserve it!


Battleship Alabama, docked in Mobile



Use Yahoo maps to map your route; you can choose from all sorts of things along the way...entertainment, hotels, gas stations, etc.