My gf prefers to spend time with her friends over me!?

I have a problem! We are in a long distance relationship and my gf is in med school so i barely get to talk to her and I am try to give her as much time to do her own stuff ! but all her weekends she spends watching movies with her friends or going out! and not once does she say hey I just want to talk to you this weekend and spend some time with me on webcam! She even prefers watching tv by herself to talking to me!! Am I being neglected??

Future Tim Russert2007-07-13T19:13:25Z

Favorite Answer

dude chill you sound like a chick ok look let her be a set a romatic time for her a real date dinner movie you to can talk there and tell her what your feeling but dont let it lead to a arguement set an actual time for her she will go at least a week ahead and if she says no i have to go with my friends the tell her how you feel if theres no improvment she dosnt want a real relationship

la buena bruja2007-07-13T19:14:04Z

It sure sounds like it. It sounds like it's time to find someone who is more interested in you than your current girlfriend. Time to break up.


if you feel she isn't giving you what you want then I would suggest dump her!! She doesn't sound like she's ready for a serious relationship anyways!