Is there such a thing as a New World Order?

Or is it just a repackaging of facism where the few benefit over the many?

Would you miss any rights lost voting or electing politicians for globalization?

If I am not under arrest why would I care if others are? I get up, go to work come home and pay my taxes and bills. Why would I ever want to risk that by standing up to the most powerful people on earth? Isn't that what I pay taxes for?


Favorite Answer

Think about what Hitler promised people...its pretty damn close to the so called utopia the globalists want to create.


"conspiracy crap. What would be the motivation of a secret society that wants the generations below them to control the world?"

The Nazis did it for their Aryian blood and Zionists want to do it for their Jewish blood. Both have the ideologies of being the supreme race. Obviously, both have motivation due to these ideologies.

There could be other uknown or unthought of sects.


conspiracy crap. What would be the motivation of a secret society that wants the generations below them to control the world?