Im 11 weeks pregnant and Im still having a period, has this happened to anyone else!!!!!??????

Ok, I found out at the beginning of June that I was pregnant. I had little reason to believe that I was pregnant other than an appetite change,
Breast changes including blue veins beginning to appear on my breast and collar bone area, sensitive and tingling nipples, and areola
Changing including enlargement and white bumps starting to form, but those things didn’t really convince me that I was pregnant,
I didn’t feel pregnant, I had been pregnant before and the morning sickness, frequent urination and missed periods were all sure
Signs that I was indeed pregnant, but this time I continued to have periods and other than the appetite change and changes
To my breast, I didn’t have any definite signs of pregnancy, but my husband wanted me to
Take a hpt anyway, so I did and it came back negative. I took several more and most came back negative and one had a faint positive sign. After all the
Negative results, I left the pregnancy idea alone and by that time I had gotten my next period. Several weeks later
I began to have tension headaches, daily and I also began to feel twinges in my stomach, which I later learned were
Round ligaments pains. These things concerned me so I consulted my family doctor. I explained to her all the changes
That were going on with my body and also the inconsistencies in my periods (I didn’t explain that earlier, but I will
At the end of my post) and she asked was I pregnant. I informed her that my husband and I had been ttc, and I had
Thought that I had fallen pregnant at the end of april, and I had taken several test which all came back negative.
My doctor decided to give me another urine pregnancy test which came back negative and she also gave me
A blood pregnancy test, this of course came back positive. After the positive result, an ultrasound was done
To confirm and I was placed on prenatal vitamins, etc. the thing is, I still have some bleeding every month.
My family doctor and ob/gyn are all aware of this, I have been checked and my baby is fine and Im having
No complications other than the bleeding,. Now that I know that Im pregnant its kind of scary to still
Be having a period. With my first pregnancy, I didn’t have a period and all the pregnancy symptoms that you could
Ever think of but with this pregnancy, Im still having a period and no symptoms other than an occasion headache and
A lot of changes in my breast. Has this happened to anyone else???, I have read some posts were women have had their
Periods while pregnant, but I wanted to ask the same question but in my own way. I also see a lot of people
Who say that a woman can’t be pregnant and still have periods but believe it because I am a living witness
That it does happen. Also, when I say period, I do mean that I have been having periods, not SPOTTING
Not slight bleeding……I know what spotting is and I know what a normal period is also. With my periods,
They have been normal for the past three periods. When I got pregnant in april, the bleeding wasn’t normal
though, it was light and it was spotting and it only lasted for four days. The normal time for me is 6 days.
The period that I had in may was heavier than the bleeding that I had in april and there were even clots
In the first two days of my period, on the third day though, it slowed down drastically and on the
Four day, the blood turned from red to dark brown and stopped. This has also occurred for june and
July’s periods. – july’s period has just gone off july9-12. has this happened to anyone else.?? I have a
Friend who didn’t know that she was pregnant until she was 5 months, but im not sure whether her
Periods were normal or not, but I want to know the personal experiences of others and whether
Your periods were still normal. Thanks in advance


sorry about the length you
but thanks for reading it and giving your opinions.


sorry about the length you
but thanks for reading it and giving your opinions.


sorry about the length you
but thanks for reading it and giving your opinions.

shine .2007-07-15T14:54:32Z

Favorite Answer

i had my period for 3 months straight. went in to talk to my doctor to see what was wrong. did urine test and 2 blood tests. all normal. so, they did an ultrasound. there he was. the doctor said it's my body fighting the pregnancy. but, he's fine. a happy healthy baby. so, don't worry too much.


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Im 11 weeks pregnant and Im still having a period, has this happened to anyone else!!!!!??????
Ok, I found out at the beginning of June that I was pregnant. I had little reason to believe that I was pregnant other than an appetite change,
Breast changes including blue veins beginning to appear on my breast and collar bone area, sensitive and tingling nipples, and areola
Changing including enlargement and white bumps starting to form, but those things didn’t really convince me that I was pregnant,
I didn’t feel pregnant, I had been pregnant before and the morning sickness, frequent urination and missed periods were all sure
Signs that I was indeed pregnant, but this time I continued to have periods and other than the appetite change and changes
To my breast, I didn’t have any definite signs of pregnancy, but my husband wanted me to
Take a hpt anyway, so I did and it came back negative. I took several more and most came back negative and one had a faint positive sign. After all the
Negative results, I left the pregnancy idea alone and by that time I had gotten my next period. Several weeks later
I began to have tension headaches, daily and I also began to feel twinges in my stomach, which I later learned were
Round ligaments pains. These things concerned me so I consulted my family doctor. I explained to her all the changes
That were going on with my body and also the inconsistencies in my periods (I didn’t explain that earlier, but I will
At the end of my post) and she asked was I pregnant. I informed her that my husband and I had been ttc, and I had
Thought that I had fallen pregnant at the end of april, and I had taken several test which all came back negative.
My doctor decided to give me another urine pregnancy test which came back negative and she also gave me
A blood pregnancy test, this of course came back positive. After the positive result, an ultrasound was done
To confirm and I was placed on prenatal vitamins, etc. the thing is, I still have some bleeding every month.
My family doctor and ob/gyn are all aware of this, I have been checked and my baby is fine and Im having
No complications other than the bleeding,. Now that I know that Im pregnant its kind of scary to still
Be having a period. With my first pregnancy, I didn’t have a period and all the pregnancy symptoms that you could
Ever think of but with this pregnancy, Im still having a period and no symptoms other than an occasion headache and
A lot of changes in my breast. Has this happened to anyone else???, I have read some posts were women have had their
Periods while pregnant, but I wanted to ask the same question but in my own way. I also see a lot of people
Who say that a woman can’t be pregnant and still have periods but believe it because I am a living witness
That it does happen. Also, when I say period, I do mean that I have been having periods, not SPOTTING
Not slight bleeding……I know what spotting is and I know what a normal period is also. With my periods,
They have been normal for the past three periods. When I got pregnant in april, the bleeding wasn’t normal
though, it was light and it was spotting and it only lasted for four days. The normal time for me is 6 days.
The period that I had in may was heavier than the bleeding that I had in april and there were even clots
In the first two days of my period, on the third day though, it slowed down drastically and on the
Four day, the blood turned from red to dark brown and stopped. This has also occurred for june and
July’s periods. – july’s period has just gone off july9-12. has this happened to anyone else.?? I have a
Friend who didn’t know that she was pregnant until she was 5 months, but im not sure whether her
Periods were normal or not, but I want to know the personal experiences of others and whether
Your periods were still normal. Thanks in...


I have got three children and i been having aching breasts and headaches plus feeling very sick and most of all i can not sleep,i thought nothing of it and even went to see my gp about how i was feeling and she asked"can u be pregnant", i replied and said "NO". This was due to the fact that i was having my monthly period like clock work,so my bloods came back and no avail on why i was still having these problems,So i thought i would take a home pregnancy test and it came back positive,this is so strange to me because i have never had periods before with any of my children.I have had a still birth before now i am concerned because i am having light bleeding every other day since i found out via home test.i have not seen my doctor yet as i have only just done the home test.I am now wondering can this home test be a mistake or what is going on with my body at this moment in time.Any feedback would be appericated as i have no idea if i am pregnant and if i am how far gone i am.I have had my normal period untill this month when i had light bleed a few times though out this month...please give any info.thanks


I feel like im pregnant then after 1 month no period come then I buy pregnancy test im sad because is negative but I feel always hungry ,moody ,breast hurt,and dizzy I decide to wait some week then buy pregnancy test again.. but is still negative I give up and after 2 weeks I have period 7 days im scared because that s the first time to have a period like that and then I feel like im pregnant im so scared I think im sick plsss help me sorry if wrong English...


Period While Pregnant

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