6 weeks pregnant with rash?

I am 6 weeks pregnant and started taking Folic Acid 2 weeks ago now i have a itchy red rash on my chest any ideas on what it could be ???


Favorite Answer

I had a rash around the same time, only on my belly. It went away within 2 hours. If you had yours for a while i would call the doctor, that's what they are there for. It might have to do with all the changes in your body, but you should have it checked to be sure. I think they have a cream they can prescribe for you that is safe for you and baby.

blue water2007-07-19T15:12:39Z

At this time you MUST get a Dermatologist to look at the rash IMMEDIATELY to determine if this is a rash caused by a viral illness or just an allergic reaction. Folic acid is important during pregnancy BUT if you are allergic to that brand or it in general you must stop it before your allergic reaction creates harm to your baby. If it is determined to be caused by a viral illness you must have a talk with a pediatrician or your ob/gyn regarding the possible risks to your baby. Viral illnesses at this early stage in the babys developement always require an expert opinion as to what you are dealing with. Get it diagnosed NOW.

Busy Mommy of 32007-07-19T15:04:04Z

I don't think your rash is due to the folic acid, you would have had the reaction show up before 2 weeks. It could be any number of things...new detergent, new clothes, new perfume...you can take benadryl to help and if it persists over 14 days contact your doctor.

Woman in Red2007-07-19T15:06:38Z

Sounds like PUPP that answerer discussed above. I had it twice. Have it looked at and get on it right away. I let it get out of hand first pregnancy and it took a long time to clear up. Motnhs after delivery I still had it. The second pregnancy Dr &I recognized it right away and it cleared up much faster and was more tolerable was gone about 1 month after delivery that time.
Good luck they are worth it!


I would say maybe your allergic but usually it wouldnt take two weeks to show up. It could be alot of things. I would just call your doctor and tell him what happened. I'm sure he'll have a good idea.

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