It's time for another... why was my answer in violation?

Don't you just love finding violation notices in your email inbox? I know I do. Though this time I really don't think it was bad, but let me know what you think.

Question: Why do you atheists get so mad? (for more details...;_ylt=Aj664kPEruZLFzKYROwVUxkjzKIX?qid=20070719122937AAdvGxI)

Answer: It goes right up there with grammar. When people dont use correct grammer noone knows what the hell that they are trying to say you know like when there are run on sentences well just get mad and not understand but then all of a suddn peple stop speling corretly and then all meening is lost in the ? or anser and then i get all confussed about wat ppl r trying 2 say. I'm sorry, it just makes you look stupid when you can't spell certain words with a spell checker right there. Take the time to properly communicate your question or answer and folks can at least respect that.


I beg to differ... I think I did answer the question. When people cannot spell correctly or use grammar correctly, meaning is lost. People have difficulty reading the question or answer. When you make an argument with poor spelling/grammar, it makes you look stupid. Public signs are ridiculed when they have such errors. Scientific papers with gross spelling or grammar errors are ridiculed as well. Ask anyone in the academic community.

Keep in mind... I said that one *looks* stupid, not necessarily *is* stupid.


Favorite Answer

Look honey, let me give you a little advice, most people will disagree with about 66% of what you got to say (I'm generalizing here), and most people think that htey are 100% right, all of the time, and they're not right all of the time, it's just impossible. The problems really start when you call someone names like "idiots" and "stupid" or when you call entire groups of people "idiots" and "stupid". It would be safe to say that I disagree with you 66% of the time, but I have a Doctorate, an I.Q. of over 140, and an awful lot of practical life experience. There is a very large statistical probability that I surpass you in knowlege, intellect, and life wisdom, but I do not share your beliefs. So stop calling people that do not agree with you idiots and stupid, it is just not true. So quit your crying about being "reported" and behave like an adult, and save the name calling for the playground. As far as I'm concerned, the person who results to name calling does so because they don't have the intelligence to articulate their views, or they are very childishly insecure with them. Do not mistake your education for intelligence, it is just not so. We all have biases, and I'd recomend that you check yours out. Try working on your character, and your brain will become less fuzzy, trust me on that one.

I like you Lisa, I really do, but ease up on the sweeping comments, and make some friends here on R&S (on both sides of the fence) and you might learn some valuable information from those "idiots", they are good people, and will come to your help when you need them the most. Name calling will buy you enemies, and they are very difficult shake off. What you put out there will always come back to you, so please be courteous, and have a good R&S day sweety.


Its like the 7 worded song 4 on the 1st line and 3 on the 2nd.Its theme appears like submitting to lucifer but its under current courage saving the world again.


you do no longer factor out in case you obtain a violatione-mail notice. there are different reason questions are bumped off: a million. it quite is a violation of the regulations - you will get an piece of digital mail on an identical time as that occurs. in case you get one, placed up it right here in a question and the customers can assist you to already be attentive to the priority. there is not any statute of limitations on breaking the YA regulations. 2. there have been 0 suggestions on an identical time as the time expired - no piece of digital mail sent. 3. The BA grew to grow to be into reported as a violation - no piece of digital mail sent. 4. for the size of voting, "No suited answer" grew to grow to be into chosen with the help of means of certainty the suited answer - no piece of digital mail sent. look on your piece of digital mail, which contain the unsolicited mail folder, for a violation piece of digital mail. If no longer there, learn your activity tab on your profile. If no longer something a pair of violation there, then the Q grew to grow to be into bumped off for one in each and each of different motives.


Along with notices when I get E mails saying "you are a retard" or "you are a jerk". Oh well, I guess they have their opinion and a right to express it.
But all in all, I don't get too many notices, and most of the e mail is serious and good.

Yoda Green2007-07-20T08:16:44Z

I've had my account suspended or deleted no fewer than 4 times now.
Why? Because I don't suffer fools gladly and I use logic when presented with mythology.
Trust me, theists really hate it when you point out the ill-logic in thier mythologies.

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