Went to the Doctor, three days after bleeding began. :( They ran a Pregnancy Test that came back negative.
So, does that mean I am officially not pregnant? They said no follow up was necessary because it was so early, and unless I develop pain of fever not to worry. How long can I expect to bleed, and also how long before I should expect a return to normal menstration?
Favorite Answer
I'm sorry, you are not pregnant. I went throught the same thing. I found out on a Friday and miscarried on a Tuesday.
Because you were only 5 weeks pregnant, your cycle will probably resume itself within 28 days (or whatever is usual for you.)
You are not pregnant- and you had a negative because the hormone is out of your system now. Likewise- the baby is being cleared on it's own. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and it was the same way- no need for a D&C because after a sonogram, all was cleared.
I am really sorry for your loss. I know it hurts. Hang in there and try again when you feel ready. We now have a beautiful 11 month old baby and were able to get pregnant with her 3 months after the miscarriage.
Normal menstruation? Probably next month. I bled for 2 weeks and 4 weeks later I had a period.
At 5 weeks (from the first day of your last period) you would have a period that is possibly a little heavier than normal, but shouldn't need any medical attention. You probably would not see any tissue fragments or the baby at that early stage. Usually you will ovulate about 2 -4 weeks after a miscarriage, so would have a period in 4-6 weeks. It's not a bad idea to try not to get pregnant until after your next normal period.
i was done bleeding within about 1 week and then it just returned to normal from there. i was 8 weeks pregnant and had a much worse experience....I'm glad you didn't. either way it's not fun, but maybe it was so early that a lot of the fetus was just reabsorbed into your body. Sorry for your loss....everything happens for a reason. I just think that I would rather have a miscarriage than an extremely unhealthy baby
if u did have a miscarragge, it should bleed 'til the baby comes out. if u didnt have 1 in the 1st place, its just ur monthly period. just pray about it and ask 4 guidense if u did u lose ur baby.