Will you vote for Hillary or Obama after calling US voters nothing more than Racist and Haters?

They both went before La Raza and stated this. I was disgusted, and you?


Obama choses image over substance


I saw it on the news about 4am there's only bits and pieces right now - stay tuned.


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No. But I wasn't going to, anyhow.


While I can't stand either Clinton or Obama, I won't allow them to be slandered. I don't see where they called US voters racists in either of the examples you gave. Obama made a statement that alluded to racial issues but, didn't accuse any particular party or group of racism.

The bottom line in this whole issue is Illegal v. Legal immigration. The only people who are trying to turn it into a race issue are the Hispanics and this "la raza" group because that is the only way they can attempt to garner support for their cause. If we allow them to turn this into a "racial" thing then we let them win because nobody wants to be a racist. I don't want illegal immigrants here no matter what country they came from.
If you want to make an arguement about Clinton and Obama it should be simply that they both seem to be trying to turn this issue into a racial issue. Why would they ever cater to a people who can't even vote because they are in the country illegally?
Let's try to keep this in perspective and address the only issues that need to be addressed.


No, I will not. That was already not an option, since they both supported the shamnesty bill.
In remarks during a morning brunch, Mrs. Clinton said she has been trying “to understand where all of the venom and the incredible anxiety came from” in the immigration debate.
Well, I can tell her...the venom came from La Raza and their anti-American rhetoric, their in your face attitude that they are here and there's nothing you can do about it. They are the racists in this issue. They are the ones who rant and rave.
“Until recently, I did not hear the kind of insecurity and opposition to bringing immigrants into American society as I hear today,” she said, adding that when her husband was in office, “people were too busy getting a better future for themselves.” Ok, Hillary...you need to get in touch with American citizens. We do not oppose legal immigration, we oppose illegal aliens. Learn the distinction.
Now for Obama.
The Illinois Democrat said the recent Senate immigration debate “was both ugly and racist in a way we haven’t see since the struggle for civil rights.”
It is horrible to liken the cause of illegal aliens to civil rights for black Americans or Native Americans. It is apples and oranges. Citizens have civil rights. Illegal aliens have the right to humane treatment during the deportation process. The rhetoric of La Raza (The Race) is inciting racism among Latinos. Their public focus is on whites, but their actions are anti-black as well. Latino gang violence in LA is nearly all directed at black Americans. Where is Obama on that issue?
Clinton and Obama seem to be working toward alienation of their fellow citizens, not for the common good of American citizens.


In the example you gave he said this so don't distort things to try to make your point because you are lying.

The Illinois Democrat said the recent Senate immigration debate “was both ugly and racist in a way we haven’t see since the struggle for civil rights.”

So as we see in and what he said is the immigration debate was racist overall and it had nothing to do with voters it was about the senators such as Tancredo he was talking about. I think since he was there he might know what he is talking about, you weren't there, you have personally never lived racism, he has. I have heard people call Obama the worst kind of names because he is black and has a muslim name. I have heard him called a terrorist and worse. First off he is a Christian not Muslim, but people like to distort. So I am voting for him since it seems that a lot of whites are dead set against any black ever holding that seat it says a lot for where their values are.


I will vote for the most competent person able to defend the consistution of the U.S and serve the country to the best of thier abilitlies.

La Raza, seriously. This is your main concern with a war going on, job insecurity and terrorism.

La raza????? really??

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