Do Hillary and Obama say there is a 'Wave of Hate' and agree with La Raza?


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Which is why Ron Paul will get my vote come 2008


I'm certain they do. However, why are they so offended for Americans wanting our laws enforced. That's their job to do so and has been for a while now. In fact I'd bet there are more Americans who want the laws enforced, than there is a "wave of hate". The trickle down effect has plugged the drain, and is now backing up.


They think there is, so do I. Because we agree with La Raza does not make us racist, because La Raza is not a racist group. Or else Hillary and Obama wouldn't be hanging around them.

You can't deny the fact that the "wave of hate" is out there, and here on YA. Most of the anti-illegals said it themselves. . . . ."we hate illegals."


They may as well both get some shirts made that say "NOT your next president." I was just going to vote outside of my party but I'm going back to Republican. Democrats are starting to make me ill the way they care less and less about the state of affairs in this country.


Both seem eager to call Americans racists when it comes to the issue of "immigration". I don't think either realize we aren't opposed to "immigration". We are opposed to illegal aliens coming here, in violation of our laws.
News flash for them...the only ones I see spreading a "wave of hate" are the pro-illegals. Opponents to illegal aliens have plenty of rational reasons to support their positions, and do not need the race card. Opponents come in all colors, wonder if Clinton and Obama are blind to that.

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