Regardless of your party, would you vote for...?

1. A woman
2. An African American
3. A Hispanic American
4. An Atheist
5. A Mormon
6. A Catholic
7. Someone in a wheelchair
8. Someone who was obese


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1 yes
2 yes
3 yes
4 no, they must have a belief their actions have consequences beyond what we do here.
5 yes
6 I would have to really believe that they will not do the popes bidding. Nothing against him but the president should always have an American agenda.
7 depends on why they are in that wheel chair.
8 no, if they do not wish to take care of themselves how can I expect them to want to take care of others.


1. A woman - YES
2. An African American - YES
3. A Hispanic American - YES
4. An Atheist - NO
5. A Mormon - YES
6. A Catholic - YES (I'm Catholic)
7. Someone in a wheelchair - YES
8. Someone who was obese - YES


Not in a party but all of the above could get my vote if they can show me they're a leader. And others not mentioned. Having said that, assuming that other than what you've described, each candidate is equal, the fellow atheist gets my vote.


I would not vote for a mormon or a catholic unless I was sure that their religious beliefs would not temper their political actions. After growing up in and putting up with eight years of Bush theocracy, I do not trust any religious politician unless they give me reason to.

I would, however, be more inclined to vote for an atheist if I agreed with his/her positions. I think that if a person has the logical capacity to choose to be an atheist that is a good sign, and it also shows that the person has courage because it takes a lot of courage to be openly atheist in such a religious country. Plus I would not have to worry about his/her religion ruling my civil rights.

I have no problem with women, blacks, hispanics, the handicapped, or obese people. I would also support an openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered president, though I think we are a long way away from that.

The only reason that I would have a problem with a politician whose policies I otherwise agreed with would be religion. I am just too hestitant to support a person who doesn't understand the separation of church and state.



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