Do you consider yourself Liberal or Conservative and......?
When was the last time you volunteered your time for a charity for which you got no benefit.
As for me I volunteer to cook at two shelters, I am the ONLY volunteer who is not a Con from a local church group.
If you consider yourself Liberal yet never sacrifice yourself, are you REALLY Liberal?
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I volunteer at local soup kitchen 1 day a week, donate food and work at my local food pantry a couple of times a month, volunteer at the Humane Society, and donate time and materials for Habitat for Humanity.
I am a Liberal and I do not volunteer. And I have no problem with that whatsoever.
"Sacrificing" doesn't make someone more or less liberal. Liberalism stresses freedom and rights. With rights come responsibilities. I am not responsible for each individual in this country on a personal basis. What I do feel responsible for is ensuring that everyone has opportunity and are not forgotten.
So instead of working in a soup line, I'd rather get our educational system fixed so that more people can get a job. I'd rather make sure that people aren't oppressed and are free to express themselves.
Honestly, charity begins at home and I'm making sure that I'm taking care of those people first.
In 1996-1997 I volunteered in a Bolivian orphanage In college I volunteered for a local community center and homeless shelter. From 2002-2006 I was first a Peace Corps and then Americorps Volunteer. Currently I volunteer with the Democratic party and Ronald McDonald House.
I consider myself to be unique. I don't identify with being a liberal or a conservative although I would rather choose being liberal than conservative if forced to chose. I'm not involved with charities, but I volunteer as being a docent for children at an art gallery. It's wonderful work teaching children especially about art.
I am neither liberal nor conservative, but libertarian. I am also a Christian. I believe that it is not the responsibility of the government to be taking care of us, but for us to be taking care of each other. The government's "job" is to protect its citizens from harm, and therefore should not be inflicting any.
Anyway, I do volunteer work, including tutoring, occasionally helping with a local animal shelter, and doing projects through my church.