I'm 40 weeks pregnant and 1 day Is there anything I can do to start labor naturally?

My doc said I will be induced on Aug 4 but I cant wait a day longer is there anything I can do to kick start labor without harming my baby


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Yes, you and your bf or husband or another man that your involved with, may have gentle intercourse, or take a nice warm bath.... these are the 2 things that worked for me, (minus the husband part), Have FUN! My 1st baby it took 36 1/2 hrs labor, then 12 1/2 hard labor, and then 3 hrs pushing, and then they had to use those forcepts to pull my baby out......... she would not come out, and her heart tones dropped down... she came flying out then, my 2nd baby 18 hrs labor, 3 1/2 hard labor, 1 hr pushing labor, my 3rd baby, 8 hrs labor 40 min pushing labor.... but don't worry, once the baby is out, YOU WILL FORGET the pain........ every woman forgets the pain....... it's amazing!

Kat H2007-07-28T15:03:14Z

You can get some evening primrose oil. It's sole in capsules as a vitamin suppliment. You prick the end of 2 capsules and insert them in your vagina at bedtime (use a pantyliner, I've heard this gets messy) It will ripen your cervix without causing super hard labor like the drugs they give you.


Walking, eating spicy foods, having sex, and sometimes Castor oil (but be careful with that bc all it's supposed to do is be a natural laxative and generate labor by making the intestines (which surround the uterus) spasm from the expulsion of waste - doesn't always work - sometimes just gives you diarrhea!). ..... good luck, and congrats!!!


Wow, I'm 40 weeks and 1 day also, lol!!! I was told to have lots of sex and do a lot of squats. So far nothing is happening :( Just keep walking and squatting. I've given up on trying to make it happen, he will come when he is ready I guess. Good luck to you and you are not alone.


well to be totally honest with ya, If your with your baby's daddy. You can induce labor by having sex. It worked for me, I had my son on christmas day, went into labor at 6 in themorning and had him by 7 30 that night. and it was the sex that made me go into labor.. believe it, or not.. and its natural.. go for it. Good luck! and congratulations.

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