What is an appropriate gift for me to give my ex-girlfriend for her birthday?

We were together 3-1/2 years.
She broke up with me 2 months ago.
I still see her 2-4 times a week.

Her birthday is Sunday.

She told me not to get her anything.

I know better than when a woman says don't get anything.


Favorite Answer

It's very thoughtful and that you want to get her something, but I don't think that's necessary. It's a nice gesture, but it's kind of showing that you haven't really moved on from the relationship yet. I think that if you're both trying to move on...you probably shouldn't get her anything more than a card.

It's nice to see there are nice and mature guys like you though!

Marriedtothearmy 22007-07-31T12:07:00Z

First off...very sweet of you to want to buy your ex anything. Good man you are! Next anything you give her would be nice especially considering she broke up with you.... ;o)
Don't get anything intimate...you can always go to a department store and ask an associate there, tell them it is for a friend and they can advise you on a great gift...who knows...might meet a cute one!

P.S. I would advise you to only get her a gift if you two are still good friends after the break up and you have no intentions of trying to win her back. Like the one already said...that can be kind of creepy if the feelings are in no way mutual.


No. i could discover it extraordinary in case you probably did. She dumped you, you're shifting remote from one yet another...why could you supply her a cutting-edge. while you're ultimate friends then i could basically supply her a birthday card and prefer her properly. that is an outstanding theory.


a Gift certificate to a Shrink. She's messing with your mind, dude.

But seriously, who wouldn't like a gift card to Target or PayLess Shoes? :)


dont get her anything except maybe a card.
Getting her anything at all would make it seem like the friendship is becoming a maybe more again.
Dont make either of you uncomfortable by gettting her a gift.

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