Anyone from Prince William County, VA can corroborate this?

Illegal Aliens DECLARE War on the U.S.A.!


Illegal Aliens Declare War on the United States
By Douglas MacKinnon
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

While the current administration, as well as Democrats and Republicans in Congress, focus on the war on terror and the war in Iraq, a greater real-time threat to our way of life and the rule of law in the United States, is manifesting itself just down the road a bit from the White House and the Capitol building . In Prince William Country, Virginia, illegal aliens have just basically declared war on the county, law and order, and the very livelihood of innocent Americans. They have done so, and no one in Washington really seems to care.

An “Express Kidnapping” being when someone is snatched off the street, driven to an ATM to drain their account, forced to have a family member bring down any money or valuables in the home as ransom, and then [murder them].


Favorite Answer

I've read about the dam* kidnappers, talk about criminal! And even La Raza is talking about how they're going to reconquer the American southwest. What a load of BS! WE'd be on them like a duck on a june bug, they may decide to recant their latest messages before we get really mad! And remember "mad" actually means crazy, we'll all claim temporary insanity!!!!!


Prince William


Illegals may declare war on us, but it is a war that they won't win!! If our federal government won't do anything about all the problems that illegals cause, then it is right that the local government do something about it. It is happening in various cities, although not enough! If illegals don't like what it is happening, then they can go back home!!

Amanda h2007-08-01T14:26:27Z

I don't know, but, I have a friend that is a flight attendant and we recently discussed that this is coming common-place for tourists in countries like Costa Rica, but, there, instead of offing someone, they would get them drunk, and, after emptying all credit cards, drop them off. They would be drunk so wouldn't be able to identify the perpetrators, plus, they wouldn't speak the language.. So, it would be hard for them to even file a report, or, be believed.


I didnt realize those 2 guys that set that family's home on fire that killed the mom and the two children were illegal bad