Direct Wine Shipments - allowed in your state?

Ugh! Oklahoma law prevents direct wine shipments to a consumer.
Third-party wine merchants in our state hold a tight grip on sales and are afraid of competition.
This restriction is not helpful to our state wineries, which are not allowed to ship out of state as well.
We had a few bills before the state legislature, but they died this session.
Does your state allow direct shipment or if not, are you fighting to overturn the law?


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About half the states or more now allow direct shipment and the number is increasing every year. As the number of wineries increases and consumers demand the ability to get boutique wines (and states seek to increase tax revenues). The number will increase. You should continue to support your state legislators in passing the necessary legislation. DA


I assume that my state does, because I got some wine shipped directly.

I can understand the law though -- it is hard enough to prevent minors from getting wine, beer or other alcohol with store sales -- delivery options can be just as bad if not worse and the delivery drivers are NOT trained in spotting fake id's.


i've got under no circumstances thought approximately it, and that i in simple terms have been given an digital mail approximately the different day. a enterprise desirous to deliver me a definite form of bottles of wine for a definite volume. i'm undecided if Pennsylvania has regulations on it. we are a commonwealth too. there are a number of "little" wineries for the time of our large u . s . a .. i've got chanced on some in West Virginia, and a few right here, in Pennsylvania. I under no circumstances had the possibility to stop at some i latest in Virginia.... continuously wished to however. i bypass to bypass look it up and notice if i could have the capability to reserve the wines they're promoting.


California- yes. I work at a law firm, and my boss has received several shipments of wine. Which is interesting, they let me sign for them and I'm not 21.


I bet your winieries can ship to people out of state with liquor licenses and are distributors.

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