Why do they cut off a dog's tail?

Why do they cut off a dog's tail?

Yo' Mama2007-08-11T06:36:14Z

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This is what I found out on a website from the UK. "The docking of dogs tails is a practice which has been carried out for centuries in order to avoid tail damage, for hygiene and other reasons. Today there are over fifty traditionally docked breeds which are recognised by various Kennel Clubs. But docking has, in recent years, come under the scrutiny of the veterinary establishment, which has condemned the practice as an 'unjustified mutilation'. " Hope that answers your question.


The docking of dogs tails is a practice which has been carried out for centuries in order to avoid tail damage, for hygiene and other reasons. Today there are over fifty traditionally docked breeds which are recognised by various Kennel Clubs.
A number of working gundog breeds have to hunt game through heavy vegetation and thick brambles, where their fast tail action can easily lead to torn and bleeding tails which are painful and extremely difficult to treat. Docking the end of the tail eliminates the risk of injury.

Working terriers are docked for the same reason. In addition, terriers which are bred to hunt below ground for purposes such as fox control, have their tails docked to a length which is more practical when working in a confined space.

Other non-working breeds which have an enthusiastic tail action, are also liable to damage their tails, even in the home.

Since docking was banned in Sweden in 1989, there has been a massive increase in tail injuries amongst previously docked breeds. Within the 50 undocked Pointer litters registered in that year with the Swedish Kennel Club, 38% of dogs suffered tail injury before they were 18 months old and in 1991, the number of individuals with tail injures had increased to 51% of the group.


It is soley for looks for some breeds, others for safety. Some dogs purpose is to hunt or fight in order to protect (at one time) and the tail could be easily broken. I've heard of dogs tails being broken and the owner not knowing and the dog ends up chewing it off because it has lost feeling or it became infected and caused all sorts of problems. Another reason is that tails can be a problem for big dogs that live in a house. Imagine a great dane's tail wagging when he is happy to see you and knocking things off tables and counters.

I'm not saying I agree with all of this. Tail docking is becoming controversial just like ear docking. I THINK in Europe tail docking is outlawed, I know ear docking is outlawed


Why Dock Dogs Tails


Uhm, I don't really know why they cut off a dogs talk except for showing. I think in certain breeds, it has to be done. It is like when dogs like great danes have pointy ears, they cut their ear to make it that way and I don't know why.

I saw new borns having their tails cut off at the vet, they weren't mine though. They cried, but I think because they were so young that it wouldn't be as bad.

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