Why is it that love itself is not enough to keep two people together?
It seems that being in love would be enough. However, it seems to be just one requirement for a relationship. How do we get our partner to understand that there needs to be relationship upkeep. It feels like allowing myself to love again is just asking for pain. Why can't love be enough?
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Firsts you were attracted to the person then you get to know them you have some common interest . you like being around them. You can't wait to see them again, you want to to know how they are if they are thinking of you. You are always wanting to do nice things for them. But if the other person doesn't care the same for you , you end up feeling used and hurt. Make sure you both want the same things in life and that you grow together . Talk about jobs, family , and do it early in the relationship so you won't be surprised later. Love can't hold you together but you can't stay together without it. Respect for yourself and the other person is top on my list for making thing work.
i wish love were enough. everyone's idea of love is different. i, myself, am in a similar situation. i fell in love, although we are opposites, it was enough to keep things going, we seemed to compliment each other. now though, i am doing all the giving, and his contribution seems to be just being in my life. he does not seem willing to give what i need, although in the start, he surely did. he also, does not feel like upkeep is needed, as he is being taken care of. i have withdrawn, but not left the situation because it seems like such a simple fix. but when one does not see that there needs adjustment, that is why love is not enough. good luck......to us both....
b/c one person in the relationship will always be looking and willing to upgrade and thats the truth and human nature we cant help but to do it. GOOD LUCK PEACE