I'm guessing 30% get 1. correct and 90% get 2. correct.
I admit it I was wrong, a lot of really good answers though.
I was waiting for the "terrorism or 9/11" for q # 1
Favorite Answer
1. Iraq failed to comply with the cease fire agreement signed after the Persian Gulf war. That refusal and other intelligence led most of the world to believe he was developing weapons of mass destruction.
2. I couldn't tell you who won any season of American idol or even how many seasons there have been.
1. Does it really matter what I put here. If I say that it was because of Saddam's refusal to uphold a treaty, his refusal to comply with UN resolutions, the mistreatment and horror he subjected his own people to or the belief that he had not gotten rid of his WMD - as he would not let UN inspectors do their job does it really matter? No one wants to hear this - all they really want to hear is because of Bush.
2. I think it was Kelly Clarkson - I only watch the first few episodes when they have the really bad people on.
1) Bush gave Saddam an ultimatum, and Saddam didn't meet it. All he had to do was stop violating the terms of his surrender from the last war, let the inspectors go where they wanted to go.
2) Kelly Clarkson? I don't know, I never watched the show.
1. Saddam failed to abide by the treaty from Desert Storm 1, was not allowing UN arm inspectors appropriate access to sites, he was rebuked by the UN and Bill Clinton for years...and in 2002, GWB and congress acted on intelligence stating that Saddam had WMD's. Saddam was defiant to the end.
1. 13 UN resolutions. Globaly accepted and redundantly confirm evidence that Saddam Hussein had WMD, Murdered his own citizens, Claimed Kuwait as his property, Sworn enemy of Iran, Saudi Arabia et al.