Photoshop help!!?

I need to put a part of a photo into a nother photo. For example, take a flower from one pic and put it in a girl's Hair in another! Does anyone khow how or have a site that will tell me how?


Favorite Answer

On the first picture use the lasso tool to go around the whole flower part you want in the hair. Then on the next photo create a new layer, then paste the flower. If it's too large you can scale the LAYER (not the image). You should also, BEFORE YOU START using the lasso tool, play around with the coloring of the pictures, so that they match.


see that lasso lookin thingy. click it around the flower, copy it, drag it into the girl pic and then use the erase tool- airbrush- on the flower layer to clean up the edge,.use different pressures to shape flower edges. You may need to resize the flower. do that before you drag it.


there is a lot of photo shop tutorials here
if you can't find it here it's probably not on the web
what your asking for is simple look under photo effects> masks