memories renewed?

Did you ever answer questions that brought memories flooding back at you, as if you were being transported back in time? How did it make you feel??


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Yes, and it is a precious gift to be able to remember such memories - some not always pleasant, but now having the ability to reflect on the good that did come from it. Music can do this to me also - usually it makes me cry at the most embarrasing times, but you know what? At least we are capable of feeling, and that is a good thing!


Yes, I have answered questions that brought back a time that was very special to me; time with family, some of whom have passed on. I think of a moment, an expression, a smile or some words that were spoken and remain a treasure in my memory. I feel so grateful to have had the experience of having great role models in my life; I love being able to smile or shed a tear at a very touching moment in time which is brought back to life for whatever reason and I cherish being able to savor again something that is very dear and close to my heart.


Yes, but I don't want to share what the memories were. However, the memories
made me feel sorta mellow, if that's a good


yes, Some good and some bad...either I laugh out loud or I secretly cry in the background, either way the memories will always be there...


Not yet, haven't been on here that long or found the right question I guess.

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