What shocked you the most?

About being pregnant? This is my fifth pregnancy, and it shocks me how different my symptoms have been, and how different my body is reacting this time around!


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That was me too. With my first I had horrible morning sickness, then my second I was... um... "excited" all the time.

Now, I have giant boobs and I couldn't possibly want sex any less. I'm 25 weeks pregnant!


My weirdest pregnancy symptom was that the hair on my legs grew so much more slowly. By the end of my pregnancies I only had to shave every couple of weeks. I had never heard of that before!

I know you didn't ask about after but I thought I would add that after I had the baby I was shocked at how much you bleed. Fora few days you just seem to gush and pass clots and it is all so gross and yuck - I was not prepared for that the first time! Even the second time it was unpleasant.


This is my first pregnancy and the thing that shocked me the most was seeing my baby moving around via a U/S.

I feel him all the time, but actually seeing him moving on the screen was AMAZING!


Yeah, I've only had two pregnancies, but each one was so different! I thought for sure I was having a boy the second time around and it was another girl.
The biggest difference was the different types of uncomfortableness I found with each one. Like lower back, leg and all over aches and pains.

Holy Macaroni!2007-08-26T16:41:18Z

What shocked me most? I would have to say that my feet have gotten bigger! Nah... probably the fact that I am over 5 months and I still don't feel the baby all that much. I have had two sonograms and believe me... he is quite active. I guess just not active in the right ways?

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