My Dad spells my name wrong, Should I tell him the right way of spelling it?

Monkey Lips2007-08-26T21:01:45Z

Favorite Answer

I think it is okay to tell him this. Has he always done this or is it recent? Perhaps he has dementia? It is important to consider that there could be other factors involved in his inability to remember.


I absolutely agree with you Annebelle! I don't like too "out there" spellings that are hard for a child to learn to spell who is named that,or hard to pronounce,but I do like a simply change that tends to make someone unique from the rest....or what looks good to me,personally.You have a beautiful name and I love the spelling...I would of still called you by your name correctly despite the spelling...You have made an excellent point!=)


Just where does he spell it wrong? Does he call your name right? Try with having your name written and placed in a place he could read. Key fob, school Note Book, just written on some paper or letter to you. Next step would be to ask him. Your question doesn't have enough information, so people are guessing.

Suburban Mom2007-08-26T20:40:02Z

YOUR DAD!!?!? Huh, didn't he choose the name for you? Or are you adopted and he didn't learn how to spell it correctly? Maybe you are spelling it wrong? Is it a nick-name like a shortened version he's misspelling? That's just weird that YOUR DAD is spelling it wrong. Yes, you should definately talk to him- maybe he's doing it on purpose?? is it a nickname he has for you?


Start spelling his name wrong and see if he notices. If he notices it will be a way to start a short conversation about him spelling yours wrong. If he doesn't notice, just tell him how funny it is that he plays with your name.

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