Christians, evolution, and taking high school biology?

Ok, I'm concerned... 16 year old goes to public school, raised in a Christian home, yet refused to take HS Biology because they will cover evolution... about 3 weeks out of the entire year course!
I'm a practicing Christian, a teacher, and a mom. Is this nuts or is it just me?? Biology is so much more than evolution and it's an essential part of our education.


I wish it were required!

Yes, Biology can be used to try to disprove creation, but it you are strong in your faith, it won't touch it!


I'm not her mom... this is the step child of an acquaintance. And they are going along with what the child wants. My child? She's got a science teacher who thinks dolphins will rule the earth... can't wait to hear his reasoning!


CJ and Emiliano - it's not my child and I think she should be in class. As for not being a Christian, I think that if you were to read some of my answers that you would see you were very wrong. My point is that aside from evolution, this child will miss out on a lot of important information!

Microbioguy - thanks! My thoughts exactly!!


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You know where I stand.

The Holy Spirit gave me the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Biology is part of Gods Creation. When I was in College I had a part time job at Toronto General Hospital as an autopsy assistant. It made me contemplate the complexity and the frailty of the gift of life.

If she is strong enough to reject the theory of evolution, she can deal with it in class.

I must commend her for her strong faith. However we must live in this world but we don't have to be "of the world".

As a Funeral Director and Embalmer, the wonder and magnificence of Gods creation of life and mankind never wavered, it was strengthened.

Encourage her to take the class



I'm not sure the question is pose correctly, but biology should not hinder a person's belief in Christianity. I believe that 16 year should talk with his/her parents if evolution is being push down their throats. The school system has change tremulously when I went to school - we had prayer - we said the American Allegiance to the Flag - and a lot nonsense was not tolerated in schools. I pray that the family will ask for God's wisdom in the matter.


The OT doesn't address atomic theory, and it is just a theory, so I think the student shouldn't take chemistry either. Either that, or the alternative theory of the four elements of fire, water, air and earth should be taught on a par with modern atomic theory.

Likewise for physics. Since we can't prove what gravity is, and therefor anything dealing with gravity is strictly theoretical, the theory that angels hold everything down should be taught as an alternative in physics classes.

Ludicrous? Certainly. And this is exactly the same sort of mentality that is behind the refusal to accept the validity of evolutionary theory. Science doesn't address god at all. There's no reason for religion to be threatened by it, because religion and science cover two completely different spheres of human experience.


Bless this 16 year old. He is taking a stand for the Lord.
God said He created the earth and all that is in the earth and God said that He created man and woman. God never did need the help or Darwin or any other evolutionist.

Evolution is like eating meat offered to idols. It has carried the lies of Nebraska Man, Pilt Down and many other ever changing species of lies.

Evolution is a dead dog. It should not be in the Biology book.
Darwinism is a dead dog. There is a natural environmental change but this is not evolution as evolution was first described. This is just a science cover up to correct a wrong without admitting to be wrong.

If evolution is such a small part of biology, then give it another name. The word "evolution" makes me sick to my stomach. It has caused many baby Christians to forget God and pursue education without God. It has caused many people to lose their souls because they have rejected Christ. Even mature Christians because of the lies have stopped to question their faith. It is an evil from the devil. When the lies were found out, the scientist didn't shout the lies from the roof top of CNN. They kept the embarrassing lies quiet and let many people continue to believe the lies. Evolution has been a stumbling block to the Christian faith. I abhor it.

Also I have never heard so many wishy washy answers. You people are calling evil good. The student is standing on the principle of the issue . . . that God is truth and every man a liar. God said He created man and that man did not evolve. God said that He created the heavens and the earth and that they did not evolve. Are you calling God a liar?


Well the way I see it is the only choice for Christian parents (in public school system) is to take up the Christian faith outside the home, and allow them to take their evolution classes and just teach them the opposite when they are home and at bible school. This, however, is very demanding on the parent, especially in today's society where both parents are working, however, in making that a priority, that is what needs to take place. I am fortunate not to have my children in public school, but.... the Christian school they go to, also teaches the theory of evolution and the reason why it is NOT the truth. That's what the parents need to do in the home. School is important, biology is important and respect for the teachers is important. If you teach the child to disrespect the teacher, you are also doing wrong in God's eyes, so therefore, trust in God more and pray that the holy spirit minister to your child the right information.

This is not the only thing that they learn in school that might not be truth.... it's the parents job to raise the child up in the Lord.

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