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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

The Christian group at my high school doesnt think they should have to go to biology class. Is that stupid?

Because out bio department is teaching evolution, astronomy, and ancient civilizations, the christians kids think they should have to listen to 'lies in the class room" They say that diosaur bones rock formations made by god. They also say that 95% of astronomy is false because the world is only 6000 years old. And they say that ancient human civilization never existed and that god placed the evidence there to test peoples faith. What the hell is the matter with this people. Why do they act like some alien cult from another planet? These kids are causing all types of problems in school and everyone wants to kick all their asses. What should we do?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell them that as long as they're getting a free education, they have to take the classes everyone else takes. If they don't like it, they can pack up and go to a parochial school. It's that simple.

    And when they go to apply to college and the college sees they haven't taken Biology, oops, sorry. Application rejected.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm not sure the question is pose correctly, but biology should not hinder a person's belief in Christianity. I believe that 16 year should talk with his/her parents if evolution is being push down their throats. The school system has change tremulously when I went to school - we had prayer - we said the American Allegiance to the Flag - and a lot nonsense was not tolerated in schools. I pray that the family will ask for God's wisdom in the matter.

  • Mark P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This actually speaks quite poorly of their faith, which is obviously so weak that they can't even stand to be exposed to ideas which contradict with their extremely narrow interpretation of the Bible.

    Most Christians are absolutely unthreatened by ideas like evolution, because they accept that our intelligence is a gift from God, and that no matter what processes God used to create the universe, it is still a miracle being slowly revealed to us.

    To your question, I say excuse them from class. They'd simply be disruptive. Frankly, they're choosing a path which will be to their practical disadvantage. Among other things, they can forget about careers in the life sciences or medicine. For that matter, they're going to have problems with the minimum admission requirements at a lot of colleges. Once somebody has adopted such a narrow-minded position, there's little you can do to change them.

  • eri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you don't want to learn bio, you get an F in bio just like everyone else who doesn't want to learn it. And that keeps you out of college. That's how it should work - because many colleges don't require more than a year of science, and that's bio for most people. And they'd hate to know you were 'excused' from the actual science bits.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kick their asses. Then ask them, "Where's your god now?"


    Yea, it's dumb. They're just dumb kids. They don't have the wisdom or education to be able to decide that 95% of astronomy is false and that Biology is all false. It's just ridiculous. But it's not your problem. Let them fail and be Fastfood clerks for the rest of their lives.

  • 1 decade ago

    What should you do? Go to class and don't worry about what others do or don't believe.

    I know that some Christian denominations do believe the things you're saying. Whether they attend class, though, is between them, their parents, and the school district.

  • 1 decade ago

    its not up to you, the curriculum is set by the board. If they don't want to go to class, they should automatically be given an "F" which will erode all chances of getting into any university. However, I think their preqcher should be tried and jailed for spreading hate literature. if it was in Canada, he would have been already.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kick the name of science. (Just kidding, I don't promote violence..

    Seriously, they will just fail and then will have to do it all over again and again, I'm sure their big fat F will get them into a good Christian college like Bob Jones or Some other wackwards cult school!

    Source(s): Give me a thumbs down if you're a backwards creationist...
  • Om
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've changed my opinion, I completely agree with asker. My dad is a biologist, and he tells me he loves creationists because they're so ridiculous that no one wants to employu them, so more jobs for him.

    Oh and to "the cookie monster" I love your link, i was going to post it myself, the whole talk is awesome, dawkins is a very good public speaker.

  • 1 decade ago

    Relax and let them skip the class and fail. You can laugh at this in a decade, when they're stuck flipping burgers.

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