Who would knowingly and willingly sign up to serve in the military now?
When time and time again our own government turns on the people it sends to war zones and drums up charges on them. I served a stint in the Army and am so glad I'm out now, because I would be one of them on trial now. I would in no way ever re-up if I were in it now. No wonder they're having a hard time meeting recruiting goals. In times of war, it's about self-preservation at whatever costs. When you are being fired on, YOU FIRE BACK AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER.
No I did not know Murtha was being sued for libel, glad to hear it. If they would start treating this like a war and not a police action, then maybe we would win. If not, they might as well count their losses now before we lose more Americans.
I totally agree, no media in any war from here on out. And those who feel the need to turn against their own countrymen, revoke their citizenship and send them to live in that country, since they love it so much, they should feel right at home.
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We now have the best military money can buy. Re-enlistment bonuses of $20,000 and enlistment bonuses make soldiers sign or re sign for the money. I spent 6 years in the Army, and would never allow any of my grandchildren to enlist until the madmen in the white house are finally driven from power.
I did my time in the early 80's with the hostages. When carter thought he was a President but he was only a farmer.
And I do agree with the way everyone is quick to blame the Solders first and believe the reporters or terrorists first.
My feeling is this, there should be NO media (especialy the liberal) in Iraq. Or if they are they do not go on missions with them. It should all be done by the military and they should have to turn it in to be screened. This is not only for our protection but so the enemy does not get a boost (like that are now) from the media.
It sure does seem like our men & women are being hung out to dry doesn't it? You know 3 of the 4 Haditha cases have been thrown out and Murtha is being sued for libel.
I served for 10 years in the US Navy from 1990 - 2000 and I saw changes coming back then. In the mid 90’s we started seeing the liberal Clinton's “kinder & gentler” Navy. Everything was becoming PC. Political Correctness is killing our society and our military.
Would I re-enlist? ... If my country needed me then yes I would still do so.
Well.....#1 we ARE meeting our recruitment goals, and are actually ahead for the year. Last month we were exceeding those goal yet again. #2 Not everyone is like you. People want to give and be a part of something. Yes the politicians are making this very difficult for the military and they should be told to piss off, but it is the way it is.