US Open Tennis: Why are so many of the guys wearing the exact same shirt?

Isner, Gomez and Young all had the same shirt on. Koubek and Blake both wore the same shirt. Are they provided by the tournament or is it pure coincidence?


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Every player has a sponsor ...Many of the players have a common sponsor....meaning that they are sponsored by same company......These company get special dresses designed for their Men and Women Players....While designing they take care not to violate the dress code of International Tennis Federation - ITF and at the same time they also get their logo highlighted on the dress.......
After designing these dresses are given to the players.....Some companies let their players choose from a set of designer attires....Some companies do no give a choice coz they think what they designed for their players is the best..and players do not conflict their sponsors..after all they are SPONSORS......

So the bottom-line is that Since many palyers have same sponsors..>they wear same dresses....


They are all sponsored by the same shoe company: Nike. The outfits come from Nike.

CL T2007-09-02T07:15:37Z

They from the same sponsor company Nike... but why Roger Federer is different from them???


"Love means nothing. Play tennis!" "Play tennis and make a racket!" "You got served." "Every game starts with LOVE" "Love is all you got for me." "Tennis players have fewer faults." "You only live once, but you can serve twice." "Tennis players have fuzzy balls." "Keep your balls in!" "I'm taking you to court."


same sponsors

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