what is safest prescription for medical termination of pregnancy at 41 days (less than 45 days)?

Ashley W2007-09-03T07:45:32Z

Favorite Answer

Mifeprex and Misoprostol...it can only be prescribed by a doctor. Mifeprex blocks progesterone which is needed to continue the pregnancy and is taken orally. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and are inserted vaginally after taking Mifeprex.....To all other answerers....I am answering the question that was asked and will not put my views and opinions into the answer.


Ok i'm not gonna judge you i'm gonna give you the facts: The only perscription drug for abortion is RU486 and it can be used up to 7 weeks which is less than 45 or 41 days, I have a link below.


Best thing to do is to speak to your doctor and discuss all of the options, carefully and in detail. Ask as many questions as you can, and be prepared to ask ie have a list of questions ready. Do not concentrate on all of the bad vibes people are putting out on here. It is your decision, not theirs and if you believe in abortion, then it is right for you. Too many people on YA are judgemental and not everyone has the religious views that they have.


God has been variety to enable me stay today.the following day could in no way come.So I could be grateful for today.And as quickly as I awaken on the morrow,the ask your self of being alive is somewhat friendly. Have a impressive day.


RU-486 is the only FDA approved drug approved to induce an abortion medically. Any person who uses it must be under the strict guidance of a doctor. Its been used in other countries for decades.

Whether or not one chooses to have an abortion is a private, personal matter -- not one for the court of yahoo answers.

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