Follow Through to a posted question?

I would like to if it is possible to get another message across to the same question posted unless the person indicates her email address or allow instant message? I have picked people whom I added in my contact list and how can I exchange correspondence with them.


if i add details to the posted question, is there a guarantee that the intended recipient will be notified if the latter didn't add me to her contact list?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-09-05T10:27:16Z

Favorite Answer

There is no guarantee that someone will come back and look at the added details. Most folks don't bother to return to a question once they have answered it. Also, many do not allow IM, email or 360 contact.

Contacts on YA work different than other sites. Here, it simply means that someone has decided to link to you for whatever reason, so that they can quickly see your profile with its questions and answers. They show up on your FAN page.

If you add someone, it is the same. It is not really a means to be allowed to actively CONTACT that person. It just means you can see their questions quickly (or things they have starred), etc.

This is the blog that explains it all in detail:


Go to the question page, mouse over the pencil icon in the toolbar below your question, and click "Add Details". Type in any extra supporting information for your question, and click "Submit". =