I thought the question about global warming was settled but I read this, what do you think about it?


Keith P2007-09-05T11:45:26Z

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Not having seen the unpublished paper, by Klaus-Martin Schulte, it's hard to comment upon it, or upon its quality. I will say, however:

1. The paper has not passed peer-review and has not been published.
2. The guy who wrote it is an MD, not a climatologist.
3. Naomi Oreskes, whose research is attacked by Schulte, has already easily refuted its arguments. Here's what she said:


Oh! I just read about this, 'Dana1981' has a q/a about that and I just read an article that the leading climate scientist at NASA was stunned by Asher's remark and says something about the Asher guy not understanding some of the data. I'll look it up in a second and give you the link. I'll also try to find the Y!A q/a about this...

Edit: I couldn't find the article about the debate between Michael Asher and James Hensen (he's the leading climate scientist at NASA)
Dana1981's q/a was 'Shall we examine the recent debate on a global warming consensus?'-if you look it up, there's more info there.
James Hensen got a lot of media coverage b/c he produced the graph's that said 1998 was the warmest-then it came out that 1933 was; then, I read that the 1933 temp. was based on certain countries whereas the 1998 temp was based on all countries, including Antarctica, so...


Arguing whether global warming is man made or not is moot. I'm a pilot, sailor, and avid outdoors man, and have seen the Greenland glaciers as well as others first hand and from all angles and their not looking pretty. I double checked the calculations and they're correct about how high the seas will rise if the glaciers are lost. anyway I own enough land around 700" above sea level that I'll make millions when everyone in Florida and anywhere that's less than 40" above sea level has to move. Even so I do my part to try to prevent this because I want to be able to show my 3 grandsons that I did what I could to give them a future.


Even better, watch this. Notice that the scientist in this movie are actually doing the experiments. And one of the lead narrators was a lead scientist for the IPCC.


Here are some other interesting links. I especially like the last one, which is a bunch of former pro global warming enthusiasts, who changed their minds after doing actual scientific experiments.

Good article referring to the "Consensus". Also presents new
studies debunking the consensus as well as comparing $$ for global scare mongers vs skeptics http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2007/8/6/100434.shtml

Destroying "Disbelievers" careers

Many scientist are skeptics after seeing the evidence. List
believers who are now skeptics.

And you might also notice if you read a lot of GW data, that the pro GW groups do not like to debate the issues. They seem stuck on the "consensus" issue, and the "Oil Money paid for this" issue.


I read the story that you linked to and several of the the links from that page. I loved it. Global warming skeptics have been labeled "traitors to the earth" and humanity, and I've been pretty happy with myself for being one. I figured all along that global warming alarmists were like the animals that went running when chicken little yelled "The sky is falling", and would eventually see the truth or stay in their hiding holes and leave the rest of us alone. I'm going to hope for the best, and I can't wait to see Al Gore shut down.

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