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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 3 days ago

How much can you afford or willing to pay to fight climate change.?

I dont want any debate about climate change just interested how much you can afford with increased fuel costs for cars and heating homes with Joe’s plan.

    Biden is putting carbon tax of $50 a ton to eventually $125 a ton. 

    Not to mention buying a electric car which is about $5k to $10k more compared to conventional cars

    I am upgrading my breaker panel for a future electric furnace plus water heater.  I will need to put a 220 volt charger outlet in the garage .  

     With the increased cost of fuel food prices and anything else transported will go up.

     I just can’t imagine lower income people being able to afford all this .

15 Answers

  • 5 hours ago

    I am only willing to pay less to fight climate change than it would cost to not fight it.

  • 17 hours ago

    You might consider installing Solar power panels.

    It can help defray the energy costs.

    Food prices will skyrocket anyway.

    Fertilizer is made from OIL.

    A suggestion: have a backup plan on that furnace/hot water heater.

    A dual fuel system helps when that electric grid GOES DOWN.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    1 day ago

    nope , i cant afford the tax , and you cant stop it anyway , should have thought about 150 years ago when we started to pollute the air . too late now , its only a tax for the government anyway .

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    It isn't about what I can afford, as a great man once said, not one penny for tribute.  (That was said in regard to the French wanting a bribe after the XYZ affair when Adams was president (Elitists were scumbags back then too))  I wouldn't pay to fight climate change any more than I would pay to fight plate tectonics.  The left just pretends to be for the poor.  In reality they are the worst nightmare for the poor and minorities.  

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Then they use less and waste less.

  • 2 days ago

    Nothing i am Not paying for a Hoax

  • 2 days ago

    Major reports are concluding that stabilizing greenhouse-gas emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change is possible and can be done at a relatively low cost. But the details of the reports make it clear that when you factor in real-world issues—such as delays in developing and implementing technology and policy—the cost of solving climate change gets much higher. Switching from fossil fuels to low-carbon sources of energy will cost $44 trillion between now and 2050, according to a report released this week by the International Energy Agency. That sounds like a lot of money, but the report also concludes that the switch to low-carbon technologies such as solar power—together with anticipated improvements in efficiency—will bring huge savings from reduced fossil-fuel consumption. As a result, the world actually comes out slightly ahead: the costs of switching will be paid for in fuel savings between now and 2050

  • 2 days ago

    Tricky because everything now costs more. It used to cost £5 for enough light bulbs for every room in my home. It’s now between £200-£400 depending on what strength I buy.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    In 2020, the median price for a new home was $334,000.  Tesla solar is advertising a medium system (8.2kWh) for under 12,000.  So for 3.6% more, you produce all the electricity your home consumes for at least the next 25 years.  If you are handy and comfortable on the roof, you can install a system yourself for far less, in a weekend. just get your local electrician to do the AC wiring.  The average electricity bill is about 120 per month and even the medium tesla solar system would pay for itself in just 100 months 1/3 of the lifetime of the system)

    And you are right, the federal minimum wage in the US is only $7.25 per hour, those people can't afford to own a home, let alone invest in the technology that saves them money.   Even if the home was given to them for free with solar (and no electricity bill, no insurance), property taxes (2500 a year) and home maintenance (2500 a year) would simply be too much when you have to feed a family.  It should be increased to at least 15 dollars an hour this year (Not 5 years as Biden proposed) and adjusted with inflation after.

    Attachment image
  • BB
    Lv 7
    3 days ago


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