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Is the decline in rational commentary from global warming deniers connected to the rise in delusional conservatism?

As we all know, Yahoo is shutting down the Answers web pages. I wonder how much of this is due to the rise of what I call "delusional conservatism"--that is, the conservatives have moved away from rationality to a full gamut of delusional beliefs, e.g. "the Earth is not warming", "Covid is fake", "Democrats cast millions of fraudulent votes".  These things are all demonstrably false, yet perhaps a majority of conservatives believes them religiously.  Over the period of existence of Yahoo Answers there has been an precipitous decline in the quality of skeptic arguments, until finally it's nothing more than claiming everyone else is a "sock puppet", throwing around vulgar insults and reporting legitimate questions and answers. I find this more than a little similar to the what's going on with U.S. elections, where Republicans are moving back to the tactic of trying attempting to disenfranchise voters that might vote for other parties.

Updated 14 hours ago:

Sorry if my writing goes over your head u_bin_called, but it's just the way I write. And I've pretty much maxed out at--how many Ph.D.'s do I really need?

Updated 13 hours ago:

Above update should have said "maxed out at school"

Updated 13 hours ago:

I see there is an anonymous post trying to prove my case, accusing me of using stolen accounts and a "bot." Sorry anonymous, I never used either of those, now perhaps you could try to make an actual argument.

Updated 10 hours ago:

I never denied there was a bot, I said there was no proof of it, FSM seems to have admitted it, so there probably was.. If there was, I had nothing to do with it, or with stolen accounts, or with sock puppets. Other people seem to love sock puppets--there are 5 answers to this question that all appear to be from the same person. One of the answers from that person says that "Obsession is a helluva drug", and I suppose it is--the person posting that is the most obsessed in here.

Updated 5 hours ago:

Troll: Although I had shut down the Dirac account (and hence wasn't posting anything) I was checking in occasionally because it was funny to watch you ask so many questions about me and credit me with everything, even though I wasn't posting anything! I was happy to see that YA was closing down and thought it would be good to come back for the final weeks, but I see you still haven't learned anything.

7 Answers

  • 2 hours ago

    At first they were saying it because the oi companies where telling them to say it, but now the oil companies have accepted reality so?????


    Personally I just think they're trolling, like supporting Trump, it was never about making America great, the guy is as dumb as a toaster, he couldn't find America on a map, they just enjoy triggering people, most of them are incels who've never been near a woman, its the only action they get, a little quiver in their junk zone when they piss someone off, this is their life. 

  • 3 hours ago

    You do not have a PhD, you have virtually no scientific training. You have a few of Dana’s old answers which you occasionally quote on those rare occasions that you’re not just spouting your far left Marxist propaganda.

  • 10 hours ago

    You said you were gone for months. How did you all of a sudden appear on the day it was announced YA was closing because of Leftist paid trolling. The answer is obvious but you will lie like you have for your whole miserable life. You are truly an evil, morally corrupt person.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    12 hours ago

    I sure think so. I also post in politics a lot. You see the occasional global warming question in there, with the delusional, Trump worshiping people invariably saying AGW is a liberal lie.

    BTW... Is there another 'DiracPegminer' floating around here? I think it is possible to create an identical chat name under a different account.....

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  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    Seek help.  today.

    Attachment image
  • 13 hours ago

    You filthy liar you should rot inHell

  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    I don't think so.

    It is a private business who has made a decision after much deliberation I am sure.


     New laws are coming out that will hold social media sites responsible ( libel) to clean up what is posted ( racism. slander, abuse ,porn etc...FAST or face fines = $$$$$$$$$$$

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