Has anyone used an at home doppler to hear the heartbeat? How far along were you when you first heard it?
I don't mean the listning device with headphones designed for the 3rd trimester, I mean the one you can rent on-line, that's like the one the doctor's use.
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I rented one on ebay from StorkNet. I was in my second trimester when I rented it though. My doctor wasn't able to hear the heartbeat at 12 weeks in the office, so scheduled an ultrasound and everything was fine. She told me you should be able to hear a heartbeat for the first time with a doppler (on average) 12-14 weeks, but that some hear it sooner and some later.
It was the best experience ever! Renting the doppler put my mind at ease and I wish I would have gotten it for more than 1 month :(
Congrats and enjoy the doppler! It is a wonderful tool!
I used it and loved it with both my pregnancies. With my first son, we rented the doppler around 11 weeks and heard his heartbeat for the first time around 12 weeks. With my second son, we rented the doppler around six weeks and heard his heartbeat at nine weeks. I listened to their heartbeats every single night and it always made me sleep better knowing their little hearts were beating away in there. I would recommend it for every pregnant women. We rented our from www.babybeat.com and were very satisfied with our experience both times.
I have one and I picked the heartbeat up at 10 weeks, I still use it occasionally but since I feel the baby all the time I don't worry as much. Its great from 10-19 weeks or until you can feel him/her.
I bought one online for about 135 and its awsome! I bought it when I was 20 weeks and it works soooo good..i would suggest to anyone to get one to feel at ease when the baby doesnt move