why is it Yahoo removes questions that are opposite of their political views?

Seems if you ask a question that stirrs a lot of emotions on both sides and if it is not as liberterian as the "yahoo Police Editors"...they remove it!


Favorite Answer

You know, its funny how they are quick to give violations and even delete the accounts of people who did nothing wrong and asked really good thought provoking questions, yet they don't give violations to trolls, people who attack other people, people who ask questions that will incite hatred, people who break the rules continuously.


A lot people read the question before someone who doesn't like the question has yahoo remove it. If it isn't a rant question calling ppl names then the person wow has it removed is running scared of the facts.
Ask the question a few days later or different time and it will probably not get taken off. I have done that.

Also one only has to be 13 to be on A&Q both age and IQ


AMEN!! I am sick of that!

I'm not sure what little bit of action has to happen for the YA secret police to remove something, but it doesnt seem to take much I'll say that.

Some free speech forum. I got chosen for a best answer..unfortunately the question was deleted!! Geez, whats the deal here!?!

then you have questions which are so obviously designed to state an opinion and they remain! Good grief!

What does it take to get stuff deleted ? Just a complaint?

grr.. .oh, well.. i'm just annoyed i guess.. seems silly to me, but whatever.. its not exactlly costing me a fortune to participate either I spose

Marje E.2007-09-05T07:35:56Z

I am sick of this( violation notices to some, but not to the real trolls), and will be asking a question shortly if anyone cares to look at it.

I was Rosemary Chicken.

Captain Tomak2007-09-05T07:51:19Z

Cause there is NO such thing as Free Speech on Yahoo.

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