A birth control question?

I am very medication sensitive. I have to be very careful of any new meds that I take as I have very violent side effects, though most time the opposite if the normal side effect will happen to me.
I need to find a new birth control. I have tried over 10 different versions of the Pill (all had the same effect, I bleed for the entire time I was on them), the shot is also doing this but I am also loseing my hair (I wake up every morning with hair all over my pillow), and the patch did the same bleeding wise but it also made me break out in a rash. The only one that work was the Mirena (spelling?) IUD, but my hubby now got a scar on his penuis from the string.
I need some new ideas to take back to my doctor. Any help would be great.


Favorite Answer

Look up Ovu-Tech and see if that's something you would be interested in. It's not a pill, it's a fertility/contraceptive device. It's a little more risky, but there's plenty of secondary methods to accompany it.


I would try brand of the pill called Mircette (generic is Kariva). Regardless of what some may say, it is STILL being manufactured, and is still available at pharmacies. The hormones in Kariva tend to work out well for women that did not do well on other versions of the pill. I highly recommend it.