A birth control question?

With the issues my husband and are having right now the last thing we need is for me to get prego if we do have sex besides the fact I just had a baby five months ago.
The Facts:
I am very medication sensitive. I have to be very careful of any new meds that I take as I have very violent side effects, though most time the opposite if the normal side effect will happen to me.
I need to find a new birth control. I have tried over 10 different versions of the Pill (all had the same effect, I bleed for the entire time I was on them), the shot is also doing this but I am also loseing my hair (I wake up every morning with hair all over my pillow), and the patch did the same bleeding wise but it also made me break out in a rash. The only one that work was the Mirena (spelling?) IUD, but my hubby got a scar on his penuis from the string plus it caused a small amount of scar tissue to develop in my uterus.
I need some new ideas to take back to my doctor. Any help would be great.


If we work it out we do want one more kid.


I have been going to the Damn doctor and all they want to do is to leave me on the shot for a year! I'll be bald by that time! I already have thin areas that you can see.
It called me being proactive about my health. Doctors don't know everything and I'm tired of paying them $50 to see them all the time.

C T2007-09-05T21:13:08Z

Favorite Answer

With your sensitivity to meds you might want to stick with barrier methods of birth control. If you don't like using condoms, talk to your doctor about getting a diaphragm. When used properly with spermicide it's pretty effective and no side effects unless you're allergic to the material or the spermicide.

Good Luck

Justin C2007-09-06T02:45:54Z

I don't know the history of you and your husband, let alone the future as in if you two want another child or not, but I myself had a vasectomy and contrary to what most guys think, it was a very painless and effective procedure. The burden of birth control shouldn't lie solely on the female. Just my opinion.

Truth Hurts2007-09-06T02:42:39Z



I dont know if vasectomy is an option, but mine was the single smartest thing I ever did.

Insurance even paid for all of it but $10. Talk about the best $10 I ever spent.. !


tell your doctor whats going on and all the effects of the medications you`ve taken or get your tubs tide...if the other medications are doing that much dont use them. its easier to get your tubs tide but I`d make sure you really are DONE having kids because when you untie your tubs well...the doctor will tell you the rest

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