Where would one find a listing of all the celebrations that are being observed daily?

It seems as though there are so many days to remember, grandparents day, national quilters day, month to remember autism, etc, etc.
Is there a website where I can find all the upcoming days to be honored?
The reason I ask ? We are having a quilt raffle at work, and we want to make the drawing date on a special date associated with the type of work we do.

Thank you for your helpfulness in this matter... CW


Favorite Answer

The link below represents the most thorough Dates, Info & Trivia information I could come up with quickly.

For example: T O D A Y
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I S :

Blame Someone Else Day
International Cross Cultural Day
Peanut Day
Positive Thinking Day
Defy Superstition Day




I use Care2.com to help me remind of the birthdays and special days.

This link http://www.care2.com/send/categories has a list of special days in that month and then you can set a reminder to yourself!!

Sometimes I schedule a future delivery of eCard to some friends *wink*.



google and use the calendar

