diabetes meds type 2?

just diagnosed with type 2. metformin terrible side effects. on amaryl now, but people say that stops working after a few years. what have people had the best results with?


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have you tried exubera, it is an inhaleable form of insulin for type 2 diabetics.

stay away from advantia, causes heart problems in some diabetics, it has been on the news.

by the way, I am type 1 diabetic....my sugars were running average 300 to 400 for over a year, I have been in DKA coma already. I was taking insulin 3 to 4 times a day....I got a book from my uncle in Canada, it is the program Canadian Dr's prescribe to patients. I have been on the diet for 3 months, I have had to take my insulin literally maybe 10 times in the last 3 months. I have also lost 10 lbs and have kept it off, you have to try this program ....

"The G.I Diet" by Rick Gallop

it has literally saved my life...

sorry sassy cat, i dont think it is smart to take insulin when my blood sugar is 90 to 100. i dont know if you know what happens when your blood sugar get to low or not, but I dont like being unconscious. I have completely controlled my diabetes with this diet, my Dr is more than happy with the results....i will take his advice over yours any day, he has the medical degree.






I am writing to tell you what an incredible impact these methods had on my life! I have had type 2 diabetes for 27 years. For me, the worst part of this horrible disease is the severe pain I constantly get in my feet. The pain is so bad that I avoid standing and walking as much as possible. I've got to tell you that within the first month, my feet stopped hurting altogether and I can now walk totally pain free.

Believe it or not, I even danced at my niece's wedding last month, something I have not done in a many years. I've been following the book for six months now and my blood sugar is well within normal range. I feel great!

I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.


Healthy lifestyle choices — including diet, exercise and weight control — provide the foundation for managing type 2 diabetes. However, you may need medications to achieve target blood sugar (glucose) levels. Sometimes a single medication is effective. In other cases, a combination of medications works better. The list of medications for type 2 diabetes is long and potentially confusing. Learning about these drugs — how they're taken, what they do and what side effects they may cause — will help you discuss treatment options with your doctor.

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