Alcohol : Why do some people drink until they are sick ? Do they know their limits ?

I'm not saying everyone, and I'm not on about alcoholics.
But why is it that when people go clubbing or to a night in the town, always come home and vomit everywhere ?
Then the next day they sway around, bang into everything in the house, break a load of cups, glasses and plates, then insist they only drank 1 pint.
Yes, I do drink, but I know my limits and I know when to stop so that I won't be sick. Do some people just not know when their limit is ?
Thanks, all opinions, stories and answers welcome, best answer gets 10 points.

Ms Always Right2007-09-15T08:14:45Z

Favorite Answer

Well, most of the time I know my limits and keep them. however, on the few occasions where i have ended up getting sick, one was because my boss, (we were partying at his house, best boss i ever had) had peach schnapps and beer, and since i dont drink beer, he gave me this big glass of schnapps, and teased me for nursing it, because he wasn't gonna let me drive home anyways, my fiance and i were to crash there. So I said okay if im not driving, then i'll get drunk, and chugged an entire like 16oz glass in about 5 mins. so like 16 shots in 5 mins, and i was okay for a while, but when i relaxed on the couch, i got that tired feeling, and laid my head down. that was my mistake, i had the urge and had to run for the bathroom. Mind you, this was like an hour later, and my friend and i were side by side, i had the toilet, he was half passed out between the toilet and the tub. lol the porcelain gods heard us that night.

Another memorable one was when i went to the bar pissed off, had been arguing with my hubby all day, and i wanted to get drunk, and ppl kept buying me drinks, and i think i had like 8 while I was there, which was only about 2 hours, (but this was after not seriously drinking for about 5 years) and threw up at the bar, and had to be carried home. I say carried home because I walked there, since it is like a half block, if that, more like a driveways length up the street, and over two doors, and my two friends literally carried me home, ,but i did try and walk, it just wasn't working very well, and of course i had to stop and vomit in the street as well.

I have a few other funny as hell drunk stories, but those were the only times i drank till i got sick, because i usually handle my liquor really well. Most people i know that make it a habit of drinking till they are sick, don't know their limits, or are so depressed or upset about something they drink and drink till they can't think anymore, and just want to drink they pass out.


Without knowing the ages of the people you speak of I can tell you this. When a person drinks too much and vomits the next day the are on the road that sounds exciting to them now however can turn deadly for themsleves and others.

They know their limits however cannot stop. Everyone know their limits however not everyone can stop. That is called an addiction

If you are a close friend then you can get them some information about AA. I am not saying they are alcholic however if they were sick with a sprain on their leg would you not tell them to seek help. Their is no difference.


Ahh i'm guessing one of your friends got sick last night? echh

I know what you mean. Some people need to get disgustingly drunk to lower their inhibitions and make themselves feel good. I think it's pretty pathetic. I mean, once you know your limit, be smart. I'm not judging because most all of us have tested our limits when we were first starting to drink. But, people who are older than 24/25 and are still getting hammered and being obnoxious and/or getting sick all the time need to work out some issues.

I have a friend, who is constantly getting BELLIGERENT drunk when we go out. She is the most obnoxious drunk I know. AND she always ends up going home with some skanky guy. And she has beaten up my best friend (who is a guy) twice. My other friends and I are worried and thinks she needs to go to AA. I think its time for an intervention!

There's nothing fun about sloppy drunks.


No, you need to not. yet you're able to decrease a sprint interior the quantity of alcohol. by using how, you excuse isn't valid: think of a sprint! in the adventure that your individuals leap off a bridge, might you leap too? i do no longer think of you will possibly... so, be smart and do despite you think of is to be the splendid for you, your well-being and the others. Is alcohol a topic for you? can not you reside without alcohol? as you stated, "i might choose to assert 'i'm in no way ingesting alcohol lower back' ". Is it difficult to do? i do no longer think of so... Why are you so fearful of your individuals opinion? this is as much as you, no longer as much as them! Be your man or woman proprietor!

Experto Credo2007-09-15T09:53:09Z

They know their limits, but they don't care. A party isn't a party until I can projective vomit on the hostess

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