How important is it to repair worn-out idler arms?

We have a '95 Chevy Astro Van that has idler arms that are completely worn out. Can someone please explain what idler arms do? I have to admit that the steering has a lot of "play" and that I'm probably lucky I haven't been pulled over for drunk driving. How severe is this issue? What will happen if we wait another month or so to repair the idler arms? Is this a repair that can easily be done at home? Thanks in advance for your help!


Favorite Answer

This is a repair that can be done at home, but define "easily".
The idler arm(s) are, for the lack of a better term, a brace for some of the steering linkage. It is positioned such that it allows movement in only one orientation, and resists movement in another.
It is designed to allow the steering linkage to control the front wheels from right to left without allowing the linkage to move up or down.
When they wear out, up and down movement is possible, and will cause the "play" you feel in the wheel.
It isn't very safe to continue to drive in this condition. If you are always in control of your vehicle and the area around it, this merely results in having to "herd" you vehicle down the road.
But if someone invades your space, or if you are on roads where excess steering control is required (traffic, wet roads, etc.) it becomes quite dangerous for both you and those around you.


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We have a '95 Chevy Astro Van that has idler arms that are completely worn out. Can someone please explain what idler arms do? I have to admit that the steering has a lot of "play" and that I'm probably lucky I haven't been pulled over for drunk driving. How severe is this...


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