why won't Yahoo! Answers make a totally different category for teens?
We obvously need one! teens dont want parents answering their questions like parents. Parents want teens and their puberty crisis questions out of here. We need our own category. alot of people have sugested. enough to make Y!A create one. but they wont!!
this is the only thing that all of Y!A agrees on. Why dont they do it??
Hey screamingbanjos!! was that really nessecary???? and what makes you think that i am a lesbian??? i am the furthest away from that!! (no offense to anyone who is my favorie teacher is a lesbian)
I know that people and creeps could get on, but that way the mojority of people answering in the teen section are people going through it right now and in the parenting and pregnancy section- adolecents are parents asking other parents what to do with their teen and they dont have to sift through the :does he like me" "am I fat" "guys do you like a blond or brunette?" questions