who is anti islam?

could you explain why? or any particular experience that caused it?


i'm trying to know why people are so anti.
sexlexia: this is polls and survey isn't it?


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I AM. because islam force people to follow their believe. they call non moslem people Kafir. means not believing in God, worship statue and all. In Indonesia, the pray with loudspeaker so all the people who live around hear it no matter what religion they are. 5 times a day and during ramadhan (now) they woke people up at 3 am with the super loud speakers. they asked to be respected but they never respect people who's not fasting.
i really think think Islam is selfish and could not live in harmony with other religion because lack of respect of others. thanks for letting me speak, after all this is my opinion


I am not anti-Islam, I'm anti-terrorism. Unfortunately for the peaceful Muslims (the vast majority), they have been given a bad rap by a few extremists.


Anti Islam thats just wrong if people want to believe in something then they should be allowed to. who are we to tell people what to believe in.


a good question in the wrong section

yeah but in my opinion I'm sure you could get more serious answers in a different section sorry if i seemed condescending


i'm not anti islam, but i am anti moslem. meaning: islam is a religion , must be good. but i truly dislike people who do this religion.... they think they are the only one who is correct and other people is totally wrong. i also dislike a lot of Christian protestant, they too act like that.
i praise catholic. they just doing their religion quietly.

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