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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Is banning new minarets in Switzerland anti-Muslim or anti-Islam?


I have had some interesting discussions on this recently - So the Swiss voted to ban the construction of Minarets. The world is up-in-arms and immediately judges them as haters of Islam. Ah, these would be the same haters of Islam that awarded their top prize for product and service innovation to the company founded in Switzerland by a Muslim that developed a mobile phone application designed specifically to meet the needs of the Islamic community...!

In a delicious twist of irony, the logo for the Mobile Muezzin product is a minaret...! :D

Have a look for yourself at – You couldn’t make it up...!

I think it's the same for any new construction. They wouldn't allow new churches or synagogues either...!

What are your thoughts...? Is the vote anti-Muslim or anti-Islam...? It's banning the construction of new minarets - the existing ones are fine and it's just minarets. Mosques are fine.

Why did the Swiss vote for the muslim developed product targeted to muslims to win the top prize earlier this year...? Lots of conflicting information...!

Interested in your thoughts...!

Kind Regards,


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13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are right, this is really a twist of irony !

    but I do not think the Swiss people are anti-muslim, they seem to be very embarrassed now with this huge wave they generated.

    what is also interesting is the reaction in the other EU countries, they would have done the same vote, and that's the real issue to manage !

    BTW, Mobile Muezzin is an interested product

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd say more anti-islam. In my view we have to use common sense as even if it was considered anti-Islam why is that a bad thing if the country was not set up on islamic values, beliefs; and wishes not to have Islamic influences?

    Strict Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan all have restictions on other religious activities; you don't see people complaining, they obey their laws. Swiss voters have supported a referendum proposal to ban the building of minarets. More than 57% of voters and 22 out of 26 cantons – or provinces – voted in favour of the ban.

  • 1 decade ago

    Switzerland has a huge immigrant population and I do not think not allowing a minaret is anti anything I think the Swiss are simply protecting their way of life it is pro Swiss. Good on them I say unlike the British who have allowed Christianity to be undermined by just about everyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The word Switzerland conjures up the image of snow capped mountains, of ski slopes, chalets, and of course cuckoo clocks. What are the postcards going to look like with a big minaret sticking up?

    I think that the Swiss are right to preserve their image, and their culture. Well done Switzerland.

    I wish the UK had had the courage to hold a referendum on the subject.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's anti-architecture. There's no tenet of Islam that says mosques have got to have minarets, any more than Christianity claiming that churches have to have spires or democracy saying that parliament buildings have to have a dirty great clock tower. That's just the way it's been done for a few hundred years.

    Mosques, churches and synagogues can all be built, subject to the usual planning regulations. It's just that those regulations no longer allow you to build a thin tower with a balcony round it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I hope they do it...about time someone gets a backbone and does not let these lunatics and parasites bully them into submission with threats of violence.... The fact is if Muslims don't like it why didn't they just STAY in THEIR country where they came from? Has anyone bothered to think about why these people leave their countries and move to predominately "white" countries? Would you tolerate a guest ( immigrants ) coming to your house ( host country with its own culture ) and DEMAND you change your house ( cultures ) to satisfy their demands? Hmmmmmm? I don't think so............ Why don't the immigrants who move change THEIR culture in order to adapt to the benevolent society they CHOSE to move to? Just the act of moving to another country suggest that their culture is INFERIOR to the one they left........why else would they have moved?

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not anti. Not anti-islam, nor anti-muslim (which is by the way the same). It is pro-Switzerland. I fully agree with Chosen Man. I mean we did not forbid the moslems to come here, right? And we did not forbid them to pray in their mosqes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Simple many Catholic / Christian Churches are there in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, and all the other predominantely Muslim countries... not what's good for the goose...etc etc

    Source(s): Fr Ted told me over a pint in Mulligans....
  • 1 decade ago

    It is what the majority voted for. Who cares why. It is their right to vote and their right for the vote to be carried out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is pro Swiss.

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