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Lv 5
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 5 days ago

What do you make of this article on Y!A?

it says we were 'un-moderated'  However we were very much 'over-moderated'.  

The Independent has a cheek referring to 'filled with information from the unhelpful to the problematic, including conspiracy theories and racism.'

Shouldn't they keep their own house in order there?  We have no power to moderate them.

14 Answers

  • 3 days ago

    That was the freedom of media and speeches.

    However, speeches do hurt, especially with fake news, sedition and defamation.

  • 4 days ago

    You only need to spend 10 seconds on CE to see that it's true.

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    I have just had a second look at the Independent site, and there has been a greatly edited comment by someone called 'Jezaloser'. Anyone recognise him (or even her), who obviously bit the bait and went into one, but the message now has been chopped down to 22 words. Obviously this nut realised the real world is far different.

    Just had this passed to me - the message which was seen as 'troublesome'.

    Who is the 'middle-aged woman from the West Midlands who continuously came on the site to turn it into a right-wing soapbox'?

    Favourite answer:

    Jezaloser/Dorothy - who decided to bring her filth to the Indy before realising it doesn't work outside sites like this, and edited it early this morning. 

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    Norwich Always Wins!

    The closer we get to the end, the more surreal and wild we will be!

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  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    I think that the 'middle aged woman' from the Midlands could have been (when Y!A was at it's darkest) a choice of half a dozen - or maybe just a trio, but having many 'names' on here. However - one person comes to mind.

    Edit. The Indy/Life comment has been 'reported'.

    Now that is something to laugh about!

    Source(s): 'More cheese is toast....why do so many mentally ill ‘men’ refer to their. other sock accounts in the third person? Do they really think no one knows who they are? Barking to the end....? Time they got help or a friend?' lollollollollollollollol
  • 5 days ago

    I think that middle aged woman from the Midlands was Foxy Di, she's that racist Conservative/UKip fanatic.  It's a bloody outcry that Yahoo Answers is being closed, someone should start a Petition and we can blame Boris Johnson/Trump/Biden or Trolls.

  • Have you read the comments on the article? Someone says they were kicked off the site for annoying a middle aged woman from the West Midlands who wanted to turn the place into a right wing soap box. 🤣🤣

    No idea who they're talking about but it's almost worth creating an Independent account to comment on this 😀


    Oh Dear somebody has actually bothered to create an account to comment 🤣🤣🤣.

    Do they realize how mad this all sounds to the outside world🤪🤪.

    Don't think I've laughed so hard in years

  • 5 days ago

    Well, that was 60 seconds of my life wasted. Who says information has to be helpful or unproblematic? Conspiracy theories, racism and just plain snarkiness aren't completely worthless. They do have entertainment value.  

    I don't think Dianne would sabotage this garbage heap. She enjoyed arguing  with other users too much.

    Source(s): Mustached gun toting cowboy fashion victim across the pond
  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    David George Harrison and his associates in PIE have been using the site to groom underage boys for far too long and yahoo have decided to cut their loses

  • 5 days ago

    You have every power to moderate the Independent.

    If you don’t buy their newspaper or access their site, they go bust.

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