Does anyone know where I can find a list of non-twist off brown bottled beers?

I'd like to find ones specifically that have no markings on the glass itself for homebrewing. I have some Bass and Sam Adams bottles saved, but both of them have raised logos in the glass.


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You're best source for bottles is a homebrewing shop. They will have washed and cleaned the bottles so all you need to do is rewash and sanitize.

One thing I have notice, even at my local homebrewing shop, a lot of the plain bottles they sell there are recycled Sam Adams bottles.

If you want the pleasure of drinking beer out of a "real" bottle (i.e. not a twist off) they stay with your craft breweries. Other than that, I don't know of any list per se of non-twist off brown bottled beers.


As a homebrewer myself I feel you! I don't want to spend the kind of money they charge for empties at the Brewstore not to mention we don't all have one locally! If I'm gonna spend the money, I'd rather get some beer out of the deal....
Most European Beers come in re-cappable bottles as over there they re-use them too. Good Belgian beer is a good place to start! As a rule avoid the major American brews for re-cappables.


You should be able to purchase them at a local home brew shop and I know you can find them on the Internet.
I do brew beer, and the fact that they have a raised logo means nothing, I've even used Corona bottles to bottle.
During your search, you should look at the tan/ amber colored litter bottles with the rubber "pop tops" these work great as well.

Good luck and happy home brewing


Most places that sell homebrewing supplies have those bottles by the boxfull... have you tried your local homebrew store?


look it up on google