Is Anyone Else Upset About the Asterisk Ball?
The record breaking ball will go to the Hall of Fame with an asterisk thanks to Marc Ecko because of Bond's steroid use. While Bond's has admitted that there is a possibility he has taken steroids, it isn't proven that he has, he hasn't failed a test, and it isn't proven that steroids affect play. Coordination and other factors fall into that too. Others have used steroids and aren't in the same talk as Bonds. Let's see Giambi hit it out of AT&T Park. Let the man have his glory. He worked hard and he accomplished a major feat. Even if he did steroids, he isn't the first to alter the game. There are pitchers in the hall of fame that threw illegal pitches and illegal ball damaging to aid to their wins. Hank Aaron has accepted the record and so has the commissioner. Let it go everyone. It will be broken by A-Rod anyways.
I am agreeing with Yankee Mick as far as Bonds leaving San Francisco. I think it's just time. He thinks he still has some fight in him, but I doubt it. He just wants a ring and I'm sorry that the Giants can't give it to him. I still don't want the ball defaced and vandalized.